Zippies Kitchen Earth Scrubber


  • ₱315.00

Only 4 left!

Your 100% plant-based, natural sponge. The product is free from bleach and chemicals, Earth Sponges are as tough on grease and grime and long-lasting as it is earth friendly! Perfect for all sorts of home cleaning, from dish-washing to surface scrubbers and more. Disposing of them is guilt-free since they are completely biodegradable. Just toss them in your compost bin and forget about them!

Each pack comes in 4 pieces. It's about time for you to act and save our environment!


Zippies is an eco lifestyle brand that is all about practical and innovative products that lessen the impact on our world. They believe that the little changes we do in our everyday product choices are big steps towards a greener and more sustainable future. By choosing to purchase and reuse a Zippies product, you can save hundreds and hundreds of plastic bags from our oceans. Our planet is a precious place and let's protect it together. 

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