Lifestyle Tips — lifestyle tips

5 More Ways to Raise Your Zero-Waste Game

So you've got the metal straws and enough eco-bags to hold a lifetime supply of shampoo bars and bamboo toothbrushes, what's next? 

If you're looking to level up your zero-waste efforts, we've rounded up a few more suggestions for you.

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5 Meaningful New Year's Resolutions for 2018

It's the start of yet another brand new year, and there's no better time to reevaluate life goals and set new ones. But instead of simply copy-pasting from your previous list of New Year's Resolutions (*cough* lose weight, save more *cough*) or resorting to clichés that you can't really commit to, here are some ideas for more meaningful 2018 goals. 1. Eat clean They say that abs are made in the kitchen so if you're serious about your Balik Alindog goals this year, your fitness plan should go beyond the usual gym routine and into what you regularly consume. If...

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Gifts That Give Back: 2017 Christmas Guide

'Tis the season for giving! Instead of braving the traffic for some holiday shopping, check out our online catalog for social good gifts that give back to communities and causes. Save when you buy our bundles, too!

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